More than a little late, as we are nearly at Autumn, Summer has decided to show up hot and heavy.  I suspect, unless the seasons have slipped on the earth clock, it is going to be a short one.


However, for now, at the end of each day, despite all the doors and windows being open and the cooling fan’s best efforts, the air inside the house has become stifling hot.sunsey-6The heat feels like it is smothering the breath out of my body, making my evening escape to the cool, fresh air, of the riverside for dog walkies, vital to my health and well-being.

sunset3Sitting on a grassy bank, I am often joined by others on the same cooling off mission.

We enjoy watching, and I photographing, day passing to night, as the master artist of the universe paints up the sun’s last rays, away out on the skyline.

sunset-1Viewing the ginormous slideshow in the sky of magnificent, spectacularly beautiful, sun setting colors, is a visual delight, before it drops down, eventually disappearing from sight.

sunset-4After a particularly grueling day this week at the courthouse, not ending until six at night, supporting a daughter battling a mentally sick ex, I was left desperately needing to shake off the yuckiness.

sunsey-7Tea on the riverbank, another magnificently beautiful sunset, then replaced by the clear sparkling, glittering night sky helped me reset my mind, and restore peace to my soul.


I was also reminded of an old Sunday school song.

‘My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty there’s nothing my God cannot do’.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our day’s events it can be easy to forget.

img_0341Next time you see one of these magnificent messages writ big and bold across the sky, remember, ‘sufficient for this day was the evil thereof’, a new day, with a fresh beginning, is just beyond the sunset.

God Bless Coral.



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